

Here you can find recipes aimed at different usages of QuantumLeap. We assume you are already familiar with it, otherwise refer to the official documentation.

Instructions on how to prepare your environment to test these recipes are given in the installation section.


Please make sure you read the welcome page and followed the steps explained in the installation guide.

HA Deployment overview

A Simple Walkthrough

Before Starting

Before we launch the stack, you need to define a domain for the entrypoint of your docker cluster. Save that domain in an environment variable like this:

$ export CLUSTER_DOMAIN=mydomain.com

If you are just testing locally and don't own one, you can fake it editing your /etc/hosts file to add an entry that points to the IP of any of the nodes of your Swarm Cluster (replace with the IP if your cluster entrypoint). See the example below.

# End of /etc/hosts file  mydomain.com  crate.mydomain.com

Note we've included one entry for crate.mydomain.com because we'll be accessing the CrateDB cluster UI through the Traefik proxy.

You will also need to set the values for the following 3 special environment variables, depending on the structure of your cluster. The default values will assume your cluster has only 1 node, which is not ideal if your cluster has multiple nodes. Make sure you have the correct values in settings.env (or settings.bat in Windows)

  • EXPECTED_NODES: How many nodes to wait for until the cluster state is recovered. The value should be equal to the number of nodes in the cluster.

  • RECOVER_AFTER_NODES: The number of nodes that need to be started before any cluster state recovery will start.

  • MINIMUM_MASTER_NODES: It’s highly recommend to set the quorum greater than half the maximum number of nodes in the cluster. I.e, (N / 2) + 1, where N is the maximum number of nodes in the cluster.

For more details, check out these docs or the corresponding section in elasticsearch docs.

In addition to those, you can also customise your deployment with the following environment variables:


Now, we're ready to launch the stack with the name ql.

If you want to deploy the basic stack of QuantumLeap you can simply run...

$ source settings.env  # In Windows, execute settings.bat instead.
$ docker stack deploy -c docker-compose ql

Otherwise, if you'd like to include some extra services such as Grafana for data visualisation, you can integrate the addons present in the docker-compose-addons.yml. Unfortunately docker is currently not directly supporting multiple compose files to do a single deploy. Hence the suggested way to proceed is the following...

# First we merge the two compose files using docker-compose
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-addons.yml config > ql.yml
# Now we deploy the "ql" stack from the generated ql.yml file.
$ docker stack deploy -c ql.yml ql

Wait until you see all instances up and running (this might take some minutes).

$ docker service ls
ID                  NAME                MODE                REPLICAS            IMAGE                             PORTS
2vbj18blsqje        ql_traefik          global              1/1                 traefik:1.3.5-alpine              *:80->80/tcp,*:443->443/tcp,*:4200->4200/tcp,*:4300->4300/tcp,*:8080->8080/tcp
bvs32e81jcns        ql_viz              replicated          1/1                 dockersamples/visualizer:latest   *:8282->8080/tcp
e8kyp4vylvev        ql_quantumleap      replicated          1/1                 smartsdk/quantumleap:latest       *:8668->8668/tcp
ignls7l57hzn        ql_crate            global              3/3                 crate:1.0.5                       
tfszxc2fcmxx        ql_grafana          replicated          1/1                 grafana/grafana:latest            *:3000->3000/tcp

Now you are ready to scale services according to your needs using simple docker service scale command as explained in the official docs.


Now, if you open your explorer to http://crate.mydomain.com you should see the CRATE.IO dashboard. In the "cluster" tab you should see the same number of nodes you have in the swarm cluster.

For a quick test, you can use the insert.sh script in this folder.

$ sh insert.sh IP_OF_ANY_SWARM_NODE 8668

Otherwise, open your favourite API tester and send the fake notification shown below to QuantumLeap to later see it persisted in the database through the Crate Dashboard.

# Simple examples payload to send to IP_OF_ANY_SWARM_NODE:8668/notify
    "subscriptionId": "5947d174793fe6f7eb5e3961",
    "data": [
            "id": "Room1",
            "type": "Room",
            "temperature": {
                "type": "Number",
                "value": 27.6,
                "metadata": {
                    "dateModified": {
                        "type": "DateTime",
                        "value": "2017-06-19T11:46:45.00Z"

Remember in the typical scenario, it is not the client that will be sending payloads directly to the /notify endpoint, but rather Orion Context Broker in the form of notifications. More info in the official documentation.

For all these queries, you can use the postman collection available in the tools section.

For further information, please refer to the QuantumLeap's User Manual.