
Contributions are more than welcome in the form of Pull Requests.

Feel free to open issues if something looks wrong.

Be aware that during the CI process, a number of linters are run:

  • To ensure correctness of yml files, we recommend you to check yaml linting rules.

  • To ensure consistency of the documentation style, we recommend you to adhere to the MD linting rules.

Once you make a pull request to the repository, you will be able to observe the results of the compliancy verification in your PR. Merge will be only possible if CI process is passed successfully.

Contributing to Portainer Recipes

The SmartDSK Recipes aim to be deployable both using command line tools following this Guide or by using a portainer template.

The documentation of the portainer template file is documented in the Stack template definition format

The json file is however not human friendly to edit, so in this project the templates should be written in the portainer-template.yaml files, and before committing changes, call the make from the root directory of the project in order to update the file portainer/templates.json. Then Add and commit the files portainer-template.yaml and portainer/templates.json together.


For now we are using Mkdocs deploying on Github Pages.

You will also notice that instead of having a separate docs folder, the documentation is composed of the README's content of all subfolders so as to keep docs as close to the respective recipes as possible.

If you change the structure of the index or add new pages, remember to update mkdocs.yml accordingly.

Note you can preview your changes locally by running

    # from the location of mkdocs.yml
    $ mkdocs serve

After all your changes, remember to run

    # from the location of mkdocs.yml
    $ mkdocs gh-deploy