API Umbrella in HA
This recipe shows how to deploy an scalable API Umbrella instance service backed with an scalable replica set of MongoDB instances.
All elements will be running in docker containers, defined in docker-compose files. Actually, this recipe focuses on the deployment of the API Umbrella frontend, reusing the mongodb replica recipe as its backend.
At the time being, other services, such as Elastic Search for logging api interactions and QoS are not deployed. This is mostly due to the fact that API Umbrella supports only obsolete versions of Elastic Search (i.e. version 2, while current version is 6).
The final deployment is represented by the following picture:
Please make sure you read the welcome page and followed the steps explained in the installation guide.
How to use
Firstly, you need to have a Docker Swarm (docker >= 17.06-ce) already setup. If you don't have one, checkout the tools section for a quick way to setup a local swarm.
$ miniswarm start 3
$ eval $(docker-machine env ms-manager0)
In case you haven't done it yet for other recipes, deploy backend
networks as described in the
installation guide.
API Umbrella needs a mongo database for its backend. If you have already
deployed Mongo within your cluster and would like to reuse that database, you
can skip the next step (deploying backend).
You will just need to pay attention to the variables
you define for API Umbrella to link to Mongo, namely, MONGO_SERVICE_URI
Otherwise, if you prefer to make a new deployment of MongoDB just for API Umbrella, you can take a shortcut and run...
$ sh deploy_back.sh
Creating config mongo-rs_mongo-healthcheck
Creating service mongo-rs_mongo
Creating service mongo-rs_controller
Beside that, given that Ruby driver for MongoDB is not supporting service discovery, you will need to expose the ports of the MongoDB server on the cluster to allow the connection to the Replica Set from API Umbrella.
Be aware that this works only when you deploy (as in the script), your MongoDB in global mode.
$ docker service update --publish-add published=27017,target=27017,protocol=tcp,mode=host mongo-rs_mongo
overall progress: 1 out of 1 tasks
w697ke0djs3c: running [==================================================>]
verify: Service converged
Wait some time until the backend is ready, you can check the backed deployment running:
$ docker stack ps mongo-rs
mxxrlexvj0r9 mongo-rs_mongo.z69rvapjce827l69b6zehceal mongo:3.2 ms-worker1 Running Starting 9 seconds ago
d74orl0f0q7a mongo-rs_mongo.fw2ajm8zw4f12ut3sgffgdwsl mongo:3.2 ms-worker0 Running Starting 15 seconds ago
a2wddzw2g2fg mongo-rs_mongo.w697ke0djs3cfdf3bgbrcblam mongo:3.2 ms-manager0 Running Starting 6 seconds ago
nero0vahaa8h mongo-rs_controller.1 martel/mongo-replica-ctrl:latest ms-manager0 Running Running 5 seconds ago
Set the connection url for mongo based on the IPs of your Swarm Cluster
(alternatively edit the frontend.env
If you used miniswarm
to create your cluster, you can get the different IPs
using the docker-machine ip
command, e.g.:
$ docker-machine ip ms-manager0
$ docker-machine ip ms-worker0
$ docker-machine ip ms-worker1
when all services will be in status ready, your backend is ready to be used:
$ sh deploy_front.sh
generating config file
replacing target file api-umbrella.yml
replace mongodb with mongo-rs_mongo
replacing target file api-umbrella.yml
replace rs_name with rs
Creating config api_api-umbrella
Creating service api_api-umbrella
When also the frontend services will be running, your deployment will look like this:
$ docker service ls
ca11lmx40tu5 api_api-umbrella replicated 2/2 martel/api-umbrella:0.14.4-1-fiware *:80->80/tcp,*:443->443/tcp
te1i0vhwtmnw mongo-rs_controller replicated 1/1 martel/mongo-replica-ctrl:latest
rbo2oe2y0d72 mongo-rs_mongo global 3/3 mongo:3.2
If you see 3/3
in the replicas column it means the 3 out of 3 planned replicas
are up and running.
A walkthrough
In the following walkthrough we will explain how to do the initial configuration of API Umbrella and register your first API. For more details read API Umbrella's documentation.
- Let's create the admin user in API Umbrella. As first thing, get the IP of your master node:
$ docker-machine ip ms-manager0
Open the browser at the following endpoint:
Unless you also created certificates for your server, API Umbrella
will ask you to accept the connection to an insecure instance.
In the page displayed you can enter the admin user name and the password.
Now you are logged in and you can configure the backend APIs.
**N.B.:** The usage of the cluster master IP is just a convention, you can
reach the services also at the IPs of the worker nodes.
Access andX-Api-Key
. In the menu selectUsers->Admin Accounts
and click on the username you just created. Copy theAdmin API Access
for your account.In the menu select
Users->Api Users
click on the usernameweb.admin.ajax@internal.apiumbrella
and copy the API Key (of course you can create new ones instead of reusing API Umbrella defaults). -
Register an new API. Create a simple API to test that everything works:
$ curl -k -X POST "https://
"api": {
"backend_host": "maps.googleapis.com",
"backend_protocol": "http",
"balance_algorithm": "least_conn",
"created_at": "2018-02-26T13:47:02Z",
"created_by": "c9d7c2cf-737c-46ae-974b-22ebc12cce0c",
"deleted_at": null,
"frontend_host": "
- Publish the newly registered API.
$ curl -k -X POST "https://
{ "config_version": { "config": { "apis": [ { "_id": "cbe24047-7f74-4eb5-bd7e-211c3f8ede22", "version": 2, "deleted_at": null, "name": "distance FIWARE REST", "sort_order": 100000, "backend_protocol": "http", "frontend_host": "", "backend_host": "maps.googleapis.com", "balance_algorithm": "least_conn", "updated_by": "c9d7c2cf-737c-46ae-974b-22ebc12cce0c", "updated_at": "2018-02-26T14:02:08Z", "created_at": "2018-02-26T13:47:02Z", "created_by": "c9d7c2cf-737c-46ae-974b-22ebc12cce0c", "settings": { "require_https": "required_return_error", "disable_api_key": false, "api_key_verification_level": "none", "require_idp": "fiware-oauth2", "rate_limit_mode": "unlimited", "error_templates": {}, "_id": "4dfe22af-c12a-4733-807d-0a668c413a96", "anonymous_rate_limit_behavior": "ip_fallback", "authenticated_rate_limit_behavior": "all", "error_data": {} }, "servers": [ { "host": "maps.googleapis.com", "port": 80, "_id": "f0f7a039-d88c-4ef8-8798-a00ad3c8fcdb" } ], "url_matches": [ { "frontend_prefix": "/distance2/", "backend_prefix": "/", "_id": "ec719b9f-2020-4eb9-8744-5cb2bae4b625" } ] } ], "website_backends": [] }, "created_at": "2018-02-26T14:03:53Z", "updated_at": "2018-02-26T14:03:53Z", "version": "2018-02-26T14:03:53Z", "id": { "$oid": "5a9413c99f9d04008c5a0b6c" } } } ```
Test your new API, by issuing a query:
- Get a token from FIWARE:
```bash $ wget --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fgalan/oauth2-example-orion-client/master/token_script.sh $ bash token_script.sh
Username: your_email@example.com Password: Token:
``` - Use it to make a query to your API:
```bash $ curl -k "https://
/distance2/maps/api/distancematrix/json?units=imperial&origins=Washington,DC&destinations=New+York+City,NY&token= " Response: { "destination_addresses" : [ "New York, NY, USA" ], "origin_addresses" : [ "Washington, DC, USA" ], "rows" : [ { "elements" : [ { "distance" : { "text" : "225 mi", "value" : 361940 }, "duration" : { "text" : "3 hours 50 mins", "value" : 13816 }, "status" : "OK" } ] } ], "status" : "OK" } ```
Networks considerations
In this case, all containers are attached to the same overlay network (backend) over which they communicate to each other. However, if you have a different configuration and are running any of the containers behind a firewall, remember to keep traffic open for TCP at ports 80 and 443 (API Umbrellas's default) and 27017 (Mongo's default).
When containers (tasks) of a service are launched, they get assigned an IP address in this overlay network. Other services of your application's architecture should not be relying on these IPs because they may change (for example, due to a dynamic rescheduling). The good think is that docker creates a virtual ip for the service as a whole, so all traffic to this address will be load-balanced to the tasks addresses.
Thanks to Docker Swarm internal DNS you can also use the name of the service
to connect to. If you look at the docker-compose.yml
file of this recipe,
orion is started with the name of the mongo service as dbhost
(regardless if it was a single mongo instance of a whole replica-set).
However, to access the container from outside of the overlay network (for
example from the host) you would need to access the ip of the container's
interface to the docker_gwbridge
. It seem there's no easy way to get that
information from the outside (see
this open issue.
In the walkthrough, we queried API Umbrella through one of the swarm nodes
because we rely on docker ingress network routing the traffic all the way
to one of the containerized API Umbrella services.
Open interesting issues
More info about docker network internals can be read at: