Getting the Recipes

Get the latest version from the git repository.

    $ git clone


The recipes are prepared to run using the latest Docker version (minimum 1.13+, ideally >= 17.06.0+). To install Docker refer to the Installation instructions.

For some testing and walkthroughs, you may also need to install curl if it's not already available in your system.

Finally, you should install VirtualBox if you want to create clusters in your local environment to test the recipes (see next section).

Note For Windows Users: Many of the walkthroughs and verification steps are designed to run tools typically found in a Linux/macOS environment. Therefore, you will need to consider compatible workarounds from time to time.

Preparing a Local Swarm Cluster

Creating the Cluster

Although you can run most (if not all) of the recipes using docker-compose, the recipes are tailored to be deployed as services on Docker Swarm Clusters.

You can turn your local Docker client into a single-node Swarm cluster by simply running

    $ docker swarm init

However, things get more interesting when you're actually working on a multi-node cluster.

The fastest way to create one is using miniswarm. Getting started is as simple as:

    # First-time only to install miniswarm
    $ curl -sSL -o /usr/local/bin/miniswarm
    $ chmod +rx /usr/local/bin/miniswarm

    # Every time you create/destroy a swarm
    $ miniswarm start 3
    $ miniswarm delete

Otherwise, you can create your own using docker-machine.

Creating the networks

For convenience reasons, most if not all of the recipes will be using overlay networks to connect the services. We have agreed-upon the convention of having at least two overlay networks available: "backend" and "frontend". The latest typically connects services that need some exposure to the outside world.

If you want to buy you some time, you can now create the two networks before starting the trials with the recipes. This can be done by running the following commands:

    $ docker network create -d overlay --opt${DOCKER_MTU:-1400} backend
    $ docker network create -d overlay --opt${DOCKER_MTU:-1400} frontend

Or, if you are lazy, there is a script in the tools folder.

    $ sh tools/

Again, this is a convention to simplify the experimentation with the recipes. In the end, you may want to edit the recipes to adapt to your specific networking needs.

On virtualised environments

If you are running the recipes in a virtualised environment such as your FIWARE Lab, if at some point you experience problems with the connectivity of the containers to the outside world, chances are that the cause of the package dropping is due to a mismatch of the MTU settings.

In FIWARE Lab, the default MTU for the vm's bridge is set to 1400, hence you will notice that this is the default MTU for the networks used in the recipes. If you need to change that value, feel free to set a DOCKER_MTU env variable with the value you want before you create the networks.