

Please make sure you read the welcome page and followed the steps explained in the installation guide.

Getting started

This recipe will show you how to deploy a default cygnus-ngsi configuration with a MySQL backend. Note that this generic enabler can actually be deployed with many other backends.

This recipe in particular requires the use of docker "configs" and hence depends on a docker-compose file version "3.3", supported in docker versions 17.06.0+.

Instructions on how to prepare your environment to test these recipes are given in the Installation section of the docs. Assuming you have created a 3-nodes Swarm setup, this deployment will look as follows...

As you may already know from the docs, in order to configure cygnus, you need to provide a specific agent configuration file. In this case, you can customize the cygnus_agent.conf and cartodb_keys.conf files within the conf folder. The content of these files will be loaded by docker into their corresponding configs, which will be available for all the replicas of the cygnus service.

If you inspect the docker-compose.yml you will realize that you can customize the values of the MySQL user and password by setting the environment variables CYGNUS_MYSQL_USER and CYGNUS_MYSQL_PASS.

To launch the example as it is, simply run:

    docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml cygnus

After a couple of minutes you should be able to see the two services up and running.

    $ docker service ls
    ID                  NAME                   MODE                REPLICAS            IMAGE                       PORTS
    l3h1fsk36v35        cygnus_mysql           replicated          1/1                 mysql:latest                *:3306->3306/tcp
    vmju1turlizr        cygnus_cygnus-common   replicated          3/3                 fiware/cygnus-ngsi:latest   *:5050->5050/tcp

For illustration purposes, let's send an NGSI notification to cygnus' entrypoint using the simple script.

    $ sh
    *   Trying
    * TCP_NODELAY set
    * Connected to ( port 5050 (#0)
    > POST /notify HTTP/1.1
    > Host:
    > User-Agent: curl/7.54.0
    > Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    > Accept: application/json
    > Fiware-Service: default
    > Fiware-ServicePath: /
    > Content-Length: 607
    * upload completely sent off: 607 out of 607 bytes
    < HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    < Transfer-Encoding: chunked
    < Server: Jetty(6.1.26)
    * Connection #0 to host left intact

By now, the data sent by the script has been processed by cygnus and will be available in the configured sink (MySQL in this case).

Having cygnus running as a service on a Docker Swarm cluster, scaling it can be achieved as with any other docker service. For more details, refer to the Orion recipe to see how this can be done with Docker. Otherwise, refer to the Docker service docs.


What if I wanted a different backend?

If you wanted to try a different backend for your cygnus deployment, there are 3 steps you need to follow.

  1. Configure your cygnus_agent.conf according to your needs. More info in the docs.

  2. Update the docker-compose.yml, specifically the environment variables configured for the cygnus service. For example, if you wanted to use MongoDB instead of MySQL, you'll need to use variables CYGNUS_MONGO_USER and CYGNUS_MONGO_PASS. For a complete list of required variables, refer to the cygnus docs.

  3. Update the docker-compose.yml, removing the definition of the mysql service and introducing the one of your preference. Also, don't forget to update the depends_on: section of cygnus with the name of your new service.

Using a different channel

If you take a look at the configuration file in conf/cygnus_agent.conf, you can choose between a Memory-based or a File-based channel. Feel free to comment/uncomment (i.e, leave/remove the # character) from the channel type configuration.

cygnus-ngsi.channels.main-channel.type = memory
#cygnus-ngsi.channels.main-channel.type = file

For more info on channels, checkout the channels considerations in the official docs.